


One month in a row ひと月継続と最近のお気に入りおやつ

Ok, so this is the 31st day in 2024 and January will be gone soon. Time flies! 今日で一月も終わり。 早いですね。 次に気が付いたら年末になってる気がする。 知らんけど。 And this is the 31st post of my blog this year. Yay! I have kept posting…

After all, I need muscle training やっぱり筋トレ

I don't like muscle training as I said before. 前にも書きましたが、私、筋トレは苦手です。 But finally I'm convinced that I need some muscle training for my better health. And I started doing this exercise just for two minutes in the mornin…

Grand Sumo January 令和六年初場所

Yesterday, January Grand Sumo Tournament was successfully over. 昨日、初場所が無事幕を閉じました。 It came to the end with a playoff game between Terunofuji(Yokozuna) and Kotonowaka(Sekiwake). The winner is, Yokozuna Terunofuji! Congratula…

Wasai lesson day 和裁のお稽古へ

Went to Wasai class today. 本日、和裁のお稽古日でした。 I have been struggling with the same momen (cotton) kimono for about three months. Today I unstitched the same part twice... and finally my teacher did the difficult part for me. I wo…

Empty but loving home 弾丸で実家へ

Today I went back to my parents house just for an hour. お正月休み以来の古民家パトロール。 いつもなら一泊、あるいは日帰りで一日行ってますが、今日は滞在一時間そこそこだったけど、行ってきました。 The house has been vacant since my dad passed…

Congratulations Fabio! おめでとう♡♡♡

Oh my goodness! My favorite MotoGP rider, Fabio Quartararo has been awarded "Knight of honour"! Congraturations Fabio! I'm so glad to hear it.♡♡♡ 今の私の最推しライダー、ファビオ・クアルタラロー選手が、レジオンドヌール勲章を受章されたそう…

Unforgettable drama 波を走る兎のはなし

Please allow me to talk about the play which I saw on this day. (I was going to post an article about it soon after the day.) 昨年夏のこの日、見に行ったお芝居のことを少し。(記事にするつもりでいたので、ここで成仏させてくださいませ〜) The …

Deja vu⁉︎ またしても

So this is what happened to me on my way home from the cafe on Saturday. さて。 先週末、帰り道に我が身に起こった出来事ですが。 Actually it was not the first time that my Geta fall apart while I was wearing it. It was last summer...on my wa…

Kimono style for visiting a cafe カフェの日の着物

My kimono look on this day. Picked cotton kimono without lining(Hitoe) and Nagoya obi(Otaiko style). This cotton kimono is thick and heavy, so it was warm enough even without lining in winter (in Osaka). 今年お初のアンズ舎さんの日に着たの…

First visit of the year to my favorite cafe 2024 アンズ舎さん初め

My husband and I visited a cafe, Anzu-ya, just in front of Osaka Tenmangu shrine last Saturday. They had a special menu just for that day, Zenzai(sweet bean soup and rice cakes in it) plate. I love Zenzai, but my husband loves it much more…

Earthen vase 陶器の花瓶を使ってみました

Do you emember that I made these vases by myself? Below pic is how it looks with flowers in it. Not bad, I did well enough for the beginner. (To tell the truth, my teacher did a small adjustment to finish this) 先日、陶芸教室で花瓶とお皿を…

You are what you eat 身体の中から健康に

このブログでは、自分の勉強のため、あやしい英語と日本語で綴っております。 Today is "Daikan", one of "Twenty four solar terms" in Japan. "Daikan" is translated into "Greater Cold" which means the coldest period in winter. As the word "DaiKan…

No matter how old I get 何歳になっても好きな服を着たい

The principal reason why I want my muscles back again is mainly because I want to wear what I like, no matter how old I get. Without legs muscles, any clothes don't look good on me at all. Especially pants style look horrible...however, I …

Instead of doing some exercise… せめてもの運動

For the past two years, I have been worried about my muscles getting weaker after I got Covid-19. I was sick in bed for more than ten days with very high fever and I lost my muscles then. Even after my recovery, I couldn't regain my muscle…

Sending my thoughts and prayers to the people in need, on January 17th. 今日の日に想いを

Twenty nine years has passed since THAT day. I couldn't believe what I saw on television and I couldn't believe that I lost my dear friend that day. I still don't want to believe that. All the more reason, the news of the earthquake in Hok…

January 15th, Ko-Shogatsu 小正月

January 15th is called "Ko-Shogatsu". "Ko" means small. On this day, we have some traditional customs. The famous one is Tondo(or Dondo) matsuri. We burn the sacred rope made with rice straw which we used to welcome Toshi-Gami(Shinto god w…

My past works of Wasai 以前に縫ったもの

I'm still a beginner in Wasai sewing, and there are only two things I have completed by now. One is a Nagajuban, one-piece underwear of kimono. 和裁はまだまだ初心者の私、今までに縫い上げたのは、長襦袢と浴衣の二つだけです。 長襦袢…姉さま人…

Learning Wasai, Japanese dressmaking 和裁のお稽古へ

Today was my Wasai lesson day. Wasai is Japanese dressmaking method specialized for Kimonos and other wafuku types clothes. Now I'm working on a cotton kimono for myself. 本日、和裁教室に行ってきました。 八年前に習い始めたのですが、数年間…

My kimono on the day I went to see movie 映画の日に着たもの

My kimono style for movie day. Narrow striped chirimen kimono and a Han-haba obi. I got this kimono at a secondhand kimono shop in Semba-center buildings. This was not what I was expecting actually. But when I tried it in front of a mirror…

Two different movies 両極端な映画二つ

During the year end and new year holidays, there have been so many new movies releasing in Japan. I have seen two movies in the past month. Those two were totally different types. 年末年始は新しい映画の公開が続きますね。我が家では、ここひ…

My pottery works 陶芸教室で

My uncle is a craft potter and a painter. And he has his own water painting and pottery classes in Wakayama, my hometown. I have attended his pottery class since the last spring. A few weeks ago I picked up my own works from the class and …

Posted ten days in a row 10日目です

I have posted blog articles for ten days from the beginning of this year. I always get lazy soon and stop doing something before I achieve my goal. ... I'm so weak minded person unfortunately. To change something, I'm trying to keep this b…

So sad 残念です

Allow me to express my sorrow upon learning the loss of Japanese singer, Yashiro Aki. She was a Japanese ballad singer and good jazz singer, and also a fine painter at the same time. I was a big fan of her, her voice, her painting works. S…

Congratulations on your coming of age ceremony 成人の日おめでとう

Today there held Coming of Age ceremonies in many cities in Japan. Coming of age day is a national holiday to celebrate young people who have turned twenty years old. A few years ago the Japanese law has been changed and now eighteen years…

Rice porridge with seven herbs 七草粥

It's Jinjitsu day today. "Jinjitsu day" is one of five seasonal festivals in Japan. (Five festivals are, Jinjitsu /January 7 Joushi/March 3 Tango/May 5 Shitiseki/July 7 Chouyou/September 9) There's a traditional habit to have rice porridge…

Mochi(rice cake) making party! アンズ舎さんのお餅つき

I had tried Mochi pounding for the first time ever in my life! I've seen it before many times. In my childhood, my grandpa and my dad had pounded sticky rice in a "Ishi-Usu"(mortar) and "Kine"(mallet/pestle) to prepare for the new year. Wh…

Kimonos on Dec 29 & 30 年末に着たきもの

Memo to myself. December 29th. Tsumugi Kimono & Han-haba Obi This obi is very useful for many of my kimonos. It worth more than the price. I made a great buy indeed! 年末の記録です。 29日の着物 紬に半巾帯 この半巾帯、手持ちの着物によく合…

Schedule notebook 2024 今年の手帳

I got a new schedule note for this year. It's produced by my favorite Japanese comedy duo, "Asagaya Sisters". They are the same generation as me and are quite unique comediennes. The notebook is full of their funny ideas and good laughs. A…

My kimono to stay in my hometown 帰省のきもの

During the stay in my hometown, I wore a cotton kimono and a Han-Haba (half width) obi. Ise-momen kimono without lining. Usually we wear kimonos with linings in winter, but the weather was good and the temperature was relatively high, so I…

New Year’s visit to a shrine 初詣

After having new years dinner, I visited Niutsuhime shrine with my husband. It's about one and a half hours ride on our Honda Super Cubs. Look what we've got for our Cubs! We have handle covers to keep our hands warm! Yay! 元日の続きです。…